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Now is the time to get ready for winter!

Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures cause the most common claims that we see – burst water pipes and injury from slips/falls. However, with some planning, you can significantly lower your risks.
When pipes freeze and burst, it can cause severe water damage to your property. To prevent frozen pipes:

• Insulate any exposed pipes with materials such as foam rubber or fiberglass sleeves to protect them from the cold.
• Know the locations of all shut-off valves. If pipes burst, you can act quickly to shut off the water and minimize damage.
• Seal up cracks in the foundation or outside walls.
• During cold spells, set your thermostat to at least 55°F, open cabinets that conceal exposed pipes, and allow faucets to drip slowly.

Plan ahead for ice and snow

Clearing parking lots and walkways during snowy weather can be a laborious job. If you do not have staff or volunteers readily available – consider hiring a reputable snow removal contractor. Whether you use a contractor or handle it yourself, this helpful checklist will guide you in planning for winter weather.

• Place weather mats at all entrances and exits to the building to reduce slips and falls. Make sure the mats are in good condition and do not curl around the edges, as this can be a tripping hazard.
• Keep a generator handy in case of blackouts. Check the oil level in the engine and ensure it is in working order now, before bad weather strikes.
• Report all weather-related injuries or incidents to your insurance company as soon as possible.

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Further Reading

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Spring is a time of new beginnings in Pennsylvania and Maryland - and now is a great time to take on some cleaning and organization tasks around...

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