Professional Liability

Covers liability for damages that are the result of errors or omissions in performing their professional services. Protect your organization from claims that are not covered by your general liability insurance policy.

How can this benefit your organization?

  • Protects professional personnel against negligence claims made by their patients or clients.
  • Fills the gap between claims that are covered by general liability, and those that do not result in bodily injury, personal injury, or property damage, such as:
    • Negligence
    • Misrepresentation
    • Violation of good faith and fair dealing
    • Inaccurate advice

Example of Claims Covered

Lack of Professional Oversight: A group home had a client that went outside to smoke a cigarette. The wind picked up and blew the ember from the cigarette into the client’s hair and her hair caught on fire. The family then sued the group home for lack of oversight. This claim was covered under their professional liability insurance policy.

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