June is National Safety Month, and we wanted to take this opportunity to talk about a very important safety topic for every organization. That topic is Fire Safety! No matter what type of organization you operate, work for, or volunteer at, there is usually at least some risk of fire. No organization is completely immune to this risk. Our agency puts a focus on risk management. We want to help you minimize your risks, so that you can prevent disasters from occurring. One excellent way to minimize your risk of being greatly affected by a fire, is having the correct types of fire extinguishers, knowing how to use them, and knowing how to train others on fire extinguisher safety!

If your organization does not already train its employees and volunteers on how to properly use fire extinguishers, below are some key topics that you should cover.

  • Which classes of extinguishers are found in the workplace and the type of fire for which each should be used.
  • Where each of the extinguishers are located in your building.
  • How to properly use each extinguisher.

Click here to view a printable resource about Fire Extinguisher Safety. This resource provides helpful information about preventing fires and how to deal with a fire safely, should you encounter one. If you have any questions about fire safety, please contact us! We want to help you manage your risks.

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Further Reading

Trailer Theft

  The Claims Corner team discusses the theft of trailers, and ways to help prevent it from happening.

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