Insurance Challenges Facing Coastal Commercial Properties
Insurance Challenges Facing Coastal Commercial Properties Coastal environments refer to areas located on or within a few miles of shorelines....
U.S. Hit by Record Number of Billion-dollar Disasters in 2023
In 2023, the United States experienced 25 weather and climate disasters with damages exceeding $1 billion—the largest number on record in more than...
What are Special Perils?
Insurance companies define the types of property claims that your policy will cover. There are two ways they can set up the program. Your insurance...
Claims Corner: Preventing Frozen Pipes
https://vimeo.com/784629841 Preventing Frozen Pipes (PDF Download) If freezing weather or a winter storm is imminent: Turn up the...
Hurricane Cleanup and Recovery Tips
Recovering a commercial business in the aftermath of a hurricane can be challenging. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA),...
Floods and Insurance: Thoughts after Hurricane Ida
From the desk of Daryl Henry: Hurricane Ida rolled through recently and my thoughts and prayers go out to all the people impacted in Louisiana. The...