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The questions and documents are not intended to be exhaustive, nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice.


16 Point Risk Management Assessment for Churches

The purpose of risk management is to create a process for managing uncertainty in an organization. Even more simply, we’re trying to create a system to assess what could go wrong, and then doing something about it.

The questions below can be evaluated on a this scale.  Use the printable checklist to record your assessment.

Printable Checklist


Decorative> 2 YEARS

Decorative< 1 YEAR


1) When was the last time you evaluated your property limits with a replacement cost estimator to determine if your limits are appropriate?

2) When did you last complete an inventory checklist?

3) When was the last time you evaluated the following for the safety of your building?

4) When was the last time you reviewed your Business Continuity Plan to protect your net income?

5) When was the last time you reviewed your Emergency Action and Crisis Communication Plans?

6) When was the last time you did an annual insurance coverage review?

7) When was the last time you reviewed your employee theft prevention materials?

8) When was the last time you reviewed your Abuse Prevention Policy?

9) When was the last time you reviewed your Social Media Policies and Procedures?

10) When was the last time you reviewed your risk management plan for your board members?

11) When was the last time you evaluated the following in regards to Workers’ Compensation?

12) When was the last time you evaluated the following in regards to your Employment Practices Liability?

13) When was the last time you reviewed your foreign travel safety plans?

14) When was the last time you reviewed the following in regards to cyber security?

15) When was the last time you reviewed the following in regards to your fleet of vehicles?

16) When was the last time you evaluated the following in regards to auto safety and accident prevention?

Looking for more?  See Brotherhood Mutual’s Big Book of Checklists

It’s a practical, easy-to-use tool designed to help ministries of all sizes assess and address common risks. You can download the whole eBook to share with your team or scroll through the risk management categories below and download the individual checklists any time you need them.



Big Book of Checklists Thumb

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Pete Swacina

"I enjoy that my work is helping people when they are in moments of difficulty."

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Senior Customer Service Agent

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