Bitner Henry Staff Photo 2023

Our Core Values

Servant leadership

Our view is that everyone can show leadership by doing the right thing and inspiring others to grow and serve something greater than themselves.

Cultivating relationships

We nourish relationships and live within the community, listening, learning, and living with others recognizing each team member brings unique contributions to our efforts.

Integrity and compassion

We act with the best interests of those we serve, recognizing some may be experiencing tragic loss and need to be treated as whole persons experiencing all that it means to be human.

Proactive, efficient, and sustainable

We respond with a sense of urgency and make wise and effective use of our time, talents, and financial resources so we can support the long-term best interests of of those we serve.

Entrepreneurial excellence

We are committed to staying current in our respective fields of service by continuous learning, measuring the effectiveness of our efforts so that our service to others is continually improving.

We are wholly committed to preserving the financial well-being of the servants in this world. We will do this through providing insurance, risk management, and other financial products.

Insurance coverage should not be considered bound unless/until written verification is received from an authorized representative of American Church Group or Bitner-Henry Insurance Agency. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses.